
  1. Summer Research Intern

    IBM TJ Watson Research Center

    Responsibilities include:

    • Developed queuing model for allocation of resources where user agents choose from multiple Virtual Machine (VM) types.
    • Analyzed mathematical models for multiple class VM environment where customers prioritize fastest time to completion.
    • Presented results to IBM research team
  2. Business Analyst

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    Responsibilities include:

    • Elicited requirements for updates to Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) web application.
    • Engaged in Quality Assurance and functionality testing for WIR application updates.
    • Documented procedures for testing standardization for barcode vaccine entry and data exchange mass import workflows.
    • Troubleshooted issues reported by end users, supporting the WIR Help Desk as Level 2 support.
    • Delivered solutions to user reported issues requiring application updates.
  3. Technical Services Analyst - HIM/Identity

    Epic Systems Corporation

    Responsibilities include:

    • nvestigated software issues reported by client IT teams.
    • dentified solutions to reported issues, arranged for delivery of resolutions requiring software updates.
    • Facilitated weekly calls with client IT teams to triage open issues list and keep clients informed of open issues investigation.
    • Developed wrappers for backwards compatibility of Release of Information module print groups in future software releases.
    • Configured clinician profiles for accessing sensitive patient data to ensure proper access and auditing.


  1. PhD Computer Engineering

    Boston University College of Engineering

    Thesis on Game Theoretic Analyses of Resource Allocation in 5G/NextG Radio Access Networks. Supervised by Prof David Starobinski. Presented papers at 2 IEEE conferences with one Best Paper Runner Up accolade. Additional contributions published in 2 Operations Research Letters papers.

    GPA: 3.85/4.0

    Courses included:

    • Advanced Computer Networking
    • Advanced Optimization Theory and Methods
    • Cloud Computing
    • IoT Security
  2. MS Systems Engineering

    Boston University College of Engineering

    Thesis on Strategic behavior and revenue management of cloud services with reservation-based preemption of customer instances. Supervised by Prof. Starobinski. Contributions extended in subsequent European Journal of Operations Research article.

    GPA: 3.63/4.0

    Courses included:

    • Computer Communication Networks
    • Dynamic Systems Theory
    • Network Security
    • Networking the Physical World
    Read Thesis
  3. BA Mathematics with Distinction

    Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

    GPA: 3.71/4.0

    • Graduated Magna Cum Laude
    • Awarded Robert E Bruce Price for Excellence in Mathematics from Department of Mathematics
    • Completed College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program
Open Shift
Project Management
QA Testing
Technical Troubleshooting
Runner Up, Best Policy Track Paper
IEEE Dyspan ∙ May 2024
Awarded for work “Spectrum Sharing between Earth Exploration Satellite and Commercial Services: An Economic Feasibility Analysis”, presented at the 2024 International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySpan), a conference of the IEEE Communications Society. The paper was joint work with my thesis advisor Prof. David Starobinski (Boston University NISLAB) and Prof. Joel Johnson (Ohio State ElectroScience Labratory)