
Oct 24, 2023 · 1 min read

I have had the opportunity to work with many wonderful collaborators over the years on various projects, including the following individuals:

Prof. David StarobinskiBoston UniversityThesis advisor, NISLAB co-Principal Investigator
Prof. Zaoxing “Alan” LiuUniversity of MarylandComputer Science professor, researcher in large-scale networked systems and security
Prof. Joel T JohnsonThe Ohio State UniversityElectroScience Laboratory affiliate, researcher in remote sensing and microwave radiometry
Dr. Asser TantawiIBM ResearchResearcher in cloud computing technology, supervisor during my summer internship
Dr. Zhenpeng ShiHuaweiBU NISLAB Alum, co-researcher on shared buy-in economics
Dr. Sahil TikaleNokia Bell LabsBU Alum researching decentralized systems at cloud scale, lead mentor on Bare Metal Marketplace project
Zeying ZhuUniversity of MarylandPhD Candidate supervised by Prof. Liu, research focused on performance and security improvements to monitoring tools such as Prometheus
Nicholas BrendleThe Ohio State UniversityPhD Candidate supervised by Prof. Johnson, research focused on performance of Passive Remote Sensing, particularly Earth Exploration Satellite Service-passive radiometers in shared spectrum enviornments
Jilin ZhengBoston UniversityNISLAB Undergraduate Research Assistant, working on problems related to scaling in Kubernetes