Jonathan Chamberlain
Jonathan Chamberlain

PhD Candidate and Graduate Research Fellow







I am a PhD candidate engaging in research on the economics of cloud computing and cognitive radio networks

My thesis research lies in the areas of Network Economics and Security, particularly the dynamics of spectrum sharing and leveraging the intersection of technology and economics to explore user agent behavior under varying policies. My interest in these areas stems from a desire to use technology to drive policy in an informed way to enhance resource sharing and improve access to communications networks for all, while protecting incumbent users utilizing spectrum for key scientific purposes. This especially holds in the internet space, as wireless connectivity is an essential pillar for expansion of high speed internet services, which is an absolute necessity for participating in the modern economy.

In addition to my published works, during my graduate student career I have been involved with Boston University’s Student Association of Graduate Engineers (SAGE) in various executive board roles, have served on a graduate student advisory committee providing feedback for graduate student focused university initiatives and proposed policy update to the Associate Provost for Graduate Affairs, and served on the organizing committee for the 10th BU CISE Graduate Student Workshop.

Research Interests: Operations Research, Game Theory, Queuing Theory, Decision Theory, Wireless Communications, Spectrum Allocation Policy, Passive-Active User Interactions, Cloud Computing, and Network Security.

Recent News

DySpan Best Paper Runner-Up, Policy Track

Our Paper on Spectrum Sharing between EESS and Commerical users received the best paper runner up award for policy track papers at the 2024 DySpan confernece.